If you're "OOOH-ing..." and "Awe-ing..."
This situation sucks for so many reasons...
1. In a couple months, when Pier 1 has a "Super Red Tag Sale," some poor person will actually pay for drool infused items.
2. This kid's Mom is not within eye-shot. Someone could hurt him/her and totally get away with it.
3. I am suddenly so concerned about reasons 1 & 2, that I cannot focus on shopping.
This situation could however, be worse:
1. The kid could be screaming.
2. Projectile vomit could be flying from this kid's mouth into an innocent bystander's [my] hair.
3. This kid could be mine.
Luckily, I was able to walk away from the entire situation.
So dear friend, if you are:
1. Interested in buying stuff from Pier 1...watch out for drool.
2. A novice kidnapper...go to Pier 1.
3. Looking for a babysitter...don't call me.
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