Saturday, September 29, 2007

I just became very excited...


I'm doing the Horseshoe Poker Community Classic Tournament on Tuesday...The adrenaline is flowing. (Or something is flowing...I am looking at a picture of Adrien Grenier.)

I get giddy about cards.

Being giddy at this particular moment isn't ideal because I'm on the air right now...

When I'm giddy, my voice gets high and squeaky...

I smile so much my face hurts...

What would end up on the airwaves you ask?

Imagine the sound of:

A cracked out cheerleader, rushing her favorite California sorority, sucking on a helium tank...


This also made me smile:

Thursday, September 27, 2007

The Donnas

I have reached my "Dork Threshold."
Yes my friends...
I wholly dorked out around The Donnas tonight. I met them a few years ago in Atlanta when I was an intern...

No big deal...

I was working...They were working...There was a morning show happening...

But as a fan outside of the station, I became a dork...A BIG ONE...

I started rambling as Brett was signing my CD...My hand was shaking when I took this picture:

I pulled myself together for the one with Torry, but you can tell by my smile that I'm DORKING OUT:

So I bought the Tee Shirt:

And have the signed CD:
Therefore, I have inducted myself into the fraternity of DORK...
D- Delta
O- Omega
R- Who the hell cares cause I just met the band...
K- mmmm'K?
If nothing else...I take comfort in the fact that I like a good band...It could be much worse...I could get excited over Hansen or something...

Monday, September 24, 2007

So...people in rehab do nothing...right?

I did nothing yesterday...
Well, not nothing...
I slept almost all day...
Flaked out on my friends...
Then spent the evening feeling bad for flaking...


I had a "Lindsay Lohan-IN REHAB" moment...minus the withdrawals.

Thursday, September 20, 2007

Sex And The City...THE MOVIE!!!!

Yes my friends...
There are in fact 4 exclamation points in the title of this blog, to convey my extreme excitement.

May 30th 2008, I will be in a theatre as the estrogen tsunami hits. The movie could suck and I will love it...guaranteed.

Here are some pictures from the NYC filming:

Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Because it came with the house...

I only have a kitchen because it came with the house...
It's true.
I'm a chick.
I have the hormones, the physical characteristics, and love for shoes that chicks have.
The idea of buying flatware or groceries or a microwave for that matter, gives me the chills. Not just chills my friends...The type of affliction that one might receive when viewing the goriest of horror a drive in a the dead of an Alaskan winter. Therefore, this magnet was a must have:

The inside of my fridge is wasted space:

The absence continues:

Although, sometimes I indulge my inner Trading Spaces diva...

I buy old window panes...

After painting and gold leafing them...they become frames:

Same concept applies to chairs. Paint+Nails=Funky Shelves.

Tuesday, September 18, 2007

OPP (Other People's Pets)

I'm down with OPP...
Although I have a uterus, I dislike children...

Well...NOT YOURS of course...

YOUR children are smarter, cuter, and more entertaining than OTHER people's children...

Other people's pets are great though...
1. They're not afraid of getting candy from strangers.
2. They know their name, and won't ask you if you'd like them to spell it for you...(Because they CAN and that's some sort of achievement.)
3. They might not appreciate the Coach collar you gave them for Christmas...but they won't outgrow it in a month...

I dork out around OPP...every moment is a photo op...

Likes: Frisbee
Dislikes: Clothes without holes. (Will Customize your fav jacket while you're out!)

Likes: N/A...She's bitter from a life on the streets.
Dislikes: Authority figures.

Likes: Listening to Heather on Q98.5
Dislikes: His "fem" appearance.

Likes: The Hokies
Dislikes: Playa H8tA's

Friday, September 14, 2007

Coffee, Cops, and The Red Cross

If I was a paranoid chick, I would wonder why the cops were hanging out at MY Starbucks this morning...

I might also question their presence at MY Red Cross donation site...

Considering I am only here once every 56 days....

It's odd that the cops are around both when I ingest liquids, and when I release them...

I suppose it's not odd, because I am not paranoid...

Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Hey Lindsay Lohan

I mentioned this last's the link for your giggling pleasure: