Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Because it came with the house...

I only have a kitchen because it came with the house...
It's true.
I'm a chick.
I have the hormones, the physical characteristics, and love for shoes that chicks have.
The idea of buying flatware or groceries or a microwave for that matter, gives me the chills. Not just chills my friends...The type of affliction that one might receive when viewing the goriest of horror a drive in a the dead of an Alaskan winter. Therefore, this magnet was a must have:

The inside of my fridge is wasted space:

The absence continues:

Although, sometimes I indulge my inner Trading Spaces diva...

I buy old window panes...

After painting and gold leafing them...they become frames:

Same concept applies to chairs. Paint+Nails=Funky Shelves.

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