Thursday, September 27, 2007

The Donnas

I have reached my "Dork Threshold."
Yes my friends...
I wholly dorked out around The Donnas tonight. I met them a few years ago in Atlanta when I was an intern...

No big deal...

I was working...They were working...There was a morning show happening...

But as a fan outside of the station, I became a dork...A BIG ONE...

I started rambling as Brett was signing my CD...My hand was shaking when I took this picture:

I pulled myself together for the one with Torry, but you can tell by my smile that I'm DORKING OUT:

So I bought the Tee Shirt:

And have the signed CD:
Therefore, I have inducted myself into the fraternity of DORK...
D- Delta
O- Omega
R- Who the hell cares cause I just met the band...
K- mmmm'K?
If nothing else...I take comfort in the fact that I like a good band...It could be much worse...I could get excited over Hansen or something...

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