Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Screw "I love your eyes..."

In 2002, I moved...

into a crappy college apartment complex where I battled daily for a parking slot.

After most of my belongings were successfully stacked into an 8x10 bedroom, I retrieved the last item...

The 1980 red MGB project car, which was/is/always will be my preferred form of transportation.

I am attracted to small topless cars, because it's easy to feel reckless and unfettered behind their steering wheels...It's almost as though a 4 cylinder engine is strapped to my desk chair, and I can fit anywhere...quickly.

In just that fashion, I pulled up into an almost impossibly small spot. A guy with gaged ears and an electric guitar, who has since become one of my dearest friends, stopped and waited until I manually secured the canvas top and opened my delightfully creaky car door. Ignoring the pomp and circumstance of "Hello," he said, "Short Skirt Long Cake...I think they wrote that song about you."

That, my friends, was the most incredible complement I've received...up until today.

This was sitting in my inbox:

You are fast approaching the title of funniest person with girl plumbing I have ever heard...Don't stop talking.

Thanks :-) That will sustain me for at least 8 years...



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