Monday, November 15, 2010


People frequently ask me why I'm in radio...

I have different answers depending on the day...

But...almost everyday, I'm a romantic and an idealist.

I know that someone consumed by sadness, desperate to kill the silence, has the radio on. I get to be a part of your life, if only for a moment. You may not realize I am there...But I am...and I have been sad too.

I know that someone is on a first date, wondering if this will be her last first-date. I get to fill the awkward silence. I get to be a part of the soundtrack of your life.

I know that someone is driving home from work, singing along to a song that will become their favorite song. The first time I heard that song, I smiled because I knew you would fall in love with the way it makes you feel.

Nothing is more satisfying to me than knowing I get to be a part of your life...In a way so intimate, yet perfectly anonymous.


1 comment:

J said...

Very interesting thoughts.

I guess I'd never thought about it before, but my life is pretty structured. At home, I'm surrounded by my family and friends. And work, my co-workers. All predetermined sets of personalities.

One of the few opportunities for randomly selected ideas and thoughts (via DJs) and moods (via music) to creep into my day is the drive to and from work....when my radio is on.

Thanks for breaking me out of my box each day. :-)