Friday, December 19, 2008

The fact that I am far less attractive when unfortunate

Several years ago I opened up an account with Blockbuster.

I arrived home to an email from one of the employees...(He'd snagged my info from the registration sheet.)

"Blockbuster Joe," as he would come to be called, became a fixture in my circle of friends. He even dated my best friend, Allison, for several months.

These are the things that happen to me.

This is the way my life works.

There is no reasonable explanation for any of it.

Today, after putting up a worthy battle, my coughing/sniffling/sneezing won and I went to a doctor.

I say "A Doctor," and not "The Doctor," or "My Doctor," because I don't really claim one...I'm not sick often enough to warrant that type of a relationship. I generally just call around and see who has 15 minutes to spare on my snotty self.


The doctor I stumbled upon today...My doctor :-) the type of Foxy that makes me want to me ill more often...


I need a "Blockbuster Joe--Doctor Version 2.0"

1 comment:

Vikkicar said...

Not having a doctor is a blessing me feels. I don't have one nor my husband, though, he's just stubborn to see one. Anyhoo, I'd sign up for Dr. House if he's available. Hee. Hope you're feeling better soon. God Bless.