Monday, November 26, 2007

The 5 Circles of Hell...

Around this time last year, I had a personal trainer. I hated him...Which meant he was doing a stellar job. His pulpit was a Stair Master, and his Bible was a meticulously calculated meal calendar. (I use the word "Meal," quite loosely.) Needless to say...Instead of gaining the average 5-7 pounds of holiday flab...I lost 4 pounds...

"Holiday Flab," is a funny thing...

"Happy Thanksgiving, you're fat!"

"Merry lay down so you can button those jeans!"

"Happy New Year...You've gone up a size and the only thing that fits are your shoes!"

Although I don't currently have a hard bodied fitness freak orchestrating hours of "Sweaty Time"...I do have a broken elevator...and I have a 5th floor apt.

In a perfect world, I'd be trotting effortlessly up and down...Trash and laundry would serve as free weights, and the heels I wear 24/7 would be an added calf work-out...

If you know me at all, you're laughing right now...

There are 5 full bags of trash in my kitchen:

Plus, I've been occupying myself with time consuming projects, so I don't have to tackle the stairs. "The 5 circles of Hell," as I've affectionately coined them...

A concert tee, embedded in clear resin...Framed by a refurbished window pane.

Same concept...except I took scissors to a pair of signed jeans...

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