I have been reciting Lesley Gore's lyrics to my cold for the past 48 hours, with no results.
Hey cold, "You don't own me..."
Hey Sneeze, "I'm young and I love to be young..."
Hey Cough, "Don't tell me what to do, and don't tell me what to say..."
I could go on...but you get it...
My brain is lounging in an orange Dayquil Jacuzzi...
Yes my friends...the daytime, sniffling, sneezing, stuffy head, so you can work medicine...is my bestest bud.
If there was such a thing as an Olympic Cold Medicine Swallowing Team, I would be the star...
Needless to say, I'm loopy from the liquid...
I started laughing hysterically when I saw this:

Why are Elfin Crackers funny?
They're not...
But I saw this:
That's right...F'fin crackers...with 2.5 grams of "F..."
1 comment:
"I may have found the fastest relief yet, 63 days, no pain.""
Hi everyone,
I am a victim of bad genes. My Dad had sever migraines and now 2 of my 4 siblings have been blessed with the drumbeat from hell. I have certain triggers, chocolate, wine, balsamic vinegar and even air travel. Generally I get 2 -4 migraines a month, real nice ones where I curl up in a ball, draw the shades and wait for lighting to strike me to relieve my pain.
I was flying to the UK in late January this year and had the pleasure of sitting nest to a Neurologist from Columbia Presbyterian Hospital in New York City . He was a headache specialist, Dr Rapoport and also happened to have founded the New England Center for Headache.
After 15 minutes of discussion he told me to try a new nasal spray that was on the market called Sinol. I am not a nasal spray fan nor do I like drugs period but after a lengthy discussion with him I felt I would follow his advice. I googled this man when I got to a computer and he is, well, basically one of the top headache doctors in the world, wow! After googling him I did my research on Sinol Nasal Spray. It's all natural? What? It will never work for my sever pain. Anyway, I bought this product at a Rite Aid store and waitied for the first aura that starts my fun ride. It appeared, I squirted in my nose, wooooa, a nice healthy dose of capsaicin in my nose, made my eyes water, cleared out any bats I had in the belfry and my headache never happened. A sure fluke, I thought. I have officially warded off at least a dozen of my migraines sometimes spraying twice in each nostril but I now have a new indoor track record, 63 days, no headache. My brother has been using it also with the same exact results.
This product is now in my purse, car, sink counter and in my wine cabinet. All I can say is unbelieveable."
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