Friday, November 23, 2007

Trippin' on Tryptophan (The Dead Turkey Slipped Me a Roofie.)

Apparently I don't eat enough of the original white meat...

I don't have the "Immunity," man!

I can funnel coffee down my throat, without a hint of jitters...

I can drown in a self inflicted Tabasco sauce tsunami, without heart burn...


When it comes to turkey...

I'm a lethargic lump...

Minutes after ingesting the bird, I started hitting an invisible snooze button...

It's like nature decided to reprimand my turkey gluttony by giving me a "Time Out!"

Needless to say, after dinner I spent a lot of time on the floor with the dog...

Unable to escape the saliva shower...

All because of the damn Tryptophan...

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