Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Thanks Jeff!

Occasionally, I suffer from "Blogger's Fatigue."

I'm sure our friends at Webster will eventually include this condition in their book of words.

Blogger's Fatigue


ˈblägg-er\ \fə-ˈtēg\



Short for Lazy-Heather.

1: Weariness or exhaustion from writing that is induced in a sensory receptor or motor end organ by continued stimulation. Of, or pertaining to, a Q98.5 DJ whose creativity is hindered by her lame cell-phone which has boycotted all picture function.


Don't be alarmed...

This condition, however severe or debilitating, has been rectified...

I have been revitalized by an email I received tonight:

Hi Heather--
After reading through your blogs, I'm jealous that I don't have anything witty or interesting going on in my life, not even snacks shaped like choking hazards. But of course, when I run across anything interesting, I'll keep sending it to you for your amusement.So, keep smiling and the rest of us will smile back at the sound of your voice.--Jeff

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