Monday, April 28, 2008

My Appedendix Is As Useless As A Tractor In The Living Room...

I'm not sure about the existence of Santa Claus...

Unicorns are a great idea, but unlikely...

Completely monogamous relationships are impossible; pending a universal handbook outlining the exact definition of cheating...

The "Make It Pretty Gene," however, exists.

I know...

I have one...

I think it's somewhere inside my uterus.

Not because I'm a chick...

Many guys also have the, "Make It Pretty Gene."


If my uterus does NOT contain my, "Make It Pretty Gene," then my uterus is as useful as my appendix...

For example:
Amidst a cyclone of other activities, I engage myself in art projects.

Most of these require very little artistic ability.

Many are designed to help disguise something necessary but unappealing...
Weekend projects:
The Thermostat Is Ugly.

The desire to put something pretty over this blemish on my wall has been haunting me for at least 10 months...


I got a shadow box and slapped some cool stuff on it:

I've also been annoyed with an off-center lighting fixture on my wall...
(The "Before," picture is too heinous to post.)

The cover-up is achieved with a couple of random grates, an old mirror and a Spill Canvas poster:

Someday, my "Make It Pretty Gene" will prevail and my apt. will be perfect.
Until then...
I have paint, sandpaper, metallic glaze, gold-leaf, adhesive of all types, hooks, nails, anchors, various tools to install the hooks & nails & anchors, and an orange cat to assist in my mission.

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