Sunday, November 16, 2008

The Break and Repair Method

I have been told that my entries "Meander."
So in the interest of the ADD afflicted constituency, here is the upshot:

The Break and Repair Method are amazing.


The business side of my ear seeks to compare their sound to another artist's music...
I can't.
The Break and Repair Method creates an amalgamation of sounds so complex, that their talent exceeds the capacity of my mental Rolodex. They are completely new and fresh...yet feel familiar.

I stood outside the Slowdown last night, discussing the aforementioned with a newly recruited fan.
We walked in.
We walked in to one of the most musically satisfying experiences of our lives.

I am fond of many bands.
I am a "fan" of several artists.
I am certainly a champion for The Break and Repair Method.

They are THAT good.

I have a 49 minute interview to edit...Feel free to buy "Milk The Bee," while I sort through the audio :-)



1 comment:

Vikkicar said...

Do you think we'll get to hear them on the radio? They are a delight to watch live. Very energized? [is that a word?] or energetic? Whatev. I will assume you get what I mean. Hee.