Monday, January 26, 2009 Day 6

140 people have viewed my profile a total of 495 times.

That either means a little more than 3 visits per viewer...
One person has viewed my profile 356 times and 139 have seen it once...LOL

Either way, the exposure level is phenomenal.

Plus, I'm a big fan of the point and click "Dear John" letter.

Speaking of rejection...

I am an active officer in the Grammar Police Dept.

It's semi-hypocritical, as I'm certain my blogs contain several mistakes...

However, anyone with "ALOT," appearing in their profile is out...No questions asked.

I'm anal.





Vikkicar said...

I could be ANNAL too!!! A few people have sent me messages without a comma or a period or anything. Was that person asking me a question or not? Beats me. :)

Vikkicar said...

I don't usually spell-check or grammar-check my posts. Not like I'm getting graded for them. A few [very rare] times, my spell-checker and grammar-checker in me kicks in. I used to write for a college paper and writing is my frustration. Now, I'm babbling!!!