I am not a Jessica Simpson fan...
In fact, the only thing I dislike more than her music is her personality...
As someone who has also made herself into a product, I respect her success...
I appreciate the fact that the "Jessica Simpson," brand is as recognizable as Twizzlers...
Not Coke...Madonna is the Coke...
I don't listen her music, and do enjoy every possible opportunity to compare her intellect to a slice of Swiss cheese...
When a woman admits that she has been abused, I will NEVER question or challenge her statement.
I'm angry...no, livid/enraged/offended...that different bloggers and entertainment reporters have made light of the situation. It's inappropriate to title an article, "Jessica Simpson abused?"
Guess what you ignorant freaks...
The question mark is offensive...
She said it happened.
Until proven otherwise...it did.
No question mark.
Here's an excerpt from the article...in case you missed it:
The dark years of Jessica Simpson also apparently included abuse. She says that her forthcoming album will include a song called “Remember That” by the Nashville songwriters Rachel Proctor and Victoria Banks that she hopes will deliver a message to abused women. “It doesn’t matter how he hurts you,” she sings, “With his hands or with his words/ You don’t deserve it/ It ain’t worth it/ Take your heart and run.”
“I had to record that,” Jessica says. “There’s nothing on my album you’re gonna hear that I don’t relate to or that I haven’t experienced. Because the only way I know how to sing is from life experience.”
“Are you thinking of anybody in particular when you sing that?” I ask.
“That is a personal question that I do want to keep to myself,” she says. “But I know that I sing it with experience.”
“I understand you’ve felt emotionally abused,” I say, “but you’re not telling me that you’ve experienced physical abuse as well, are you?”
She stops to ponder her response. She finally says, “I don’t want to talk about it, but I have definitely experienced abuse in a way that I would tell people to take their heart and run.”